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Monday, January 16, 2006

Free & Diaperless!

Allright, here's where I start asking questions.

How on EARTH do I get my daughter to LEAVE HER DIAPER ON?

She's now learned how to undress herself and remove her diaper. I tried putting a onesie on her under her jammies so that she has to take the pants off and THEN unsnap the onesie and THEN undo the diaper... but smarty pants can still do it. I've tried putting her in long jammies that zip up, with onesie underneath... she's still strippin!

I'm working on potty training her so some days I just let her run around the casa without a diaper on... but this is getting ridiculous. I go to get her up this morning and she's standing there bareass in the crib, and of course there's a wet spot where she peed.

She's CONSTANTLY taking off her diaper and I don't know what to do. It's great she's so interested in being potty trained, but this is getting ridiculous!!!!!!

Any tips?

Anyone else's kids do this?